Wednesday, August 6, 2008


ccesca said...

You can't help but laugh along. I love it.

maikib said...

this is the best!! i love your mom's laugh! i miss your parents (and all of you!!)

Christina said...

Holy smokes! Will can drive? Love it!

alohab said...

Nanea would be so jealous, she wants a car so bad. She told Noa, "daddy, I want YOU to buy me a car." Talk about starting early :). What a great video!!

Joseph G said...

oh my!! where can I get one..

Anonymous said...

can we just recognize where will got those wheels? thank god for rich uncles...

Erika (aka "e") said...

Is it a bad thing to admit that Will can drive better than I can?

: )

Looks like fun...

- e