First Smile
New camera is very artsy.
AWESOME big brother with Amelia

Just like Daddy.

For group shots, photos of Will doing his thing, Andrew and Will "playing", Kristina in action while outnumbered by the noisy little munchkins, and Emmet working on a spreadsheet or power point presentation or changing a diaper for a bit more action. A little of everything Gaffney or Cesca or Gaffney.
love, love, love the cake! makena wanted an elmo party, but i'm resisting since nanea had one for her 2nd bday. we have to celebrate late since noa is currently in nyc. i'm pulling for an abby cadabby or minnie mouse party :). love the new pics. the kids are just amazing! we need to get them together so we can get some updated ones of nanea and will :).
ELMO! even kidless me can get that one (ummm... i think it's elmo...). i love the new photos!! i can't believe how big will is-- especially with all the littles. he's the oldest?! he's like a teenager now!! amelia looks like the sweetest thing ever. what good big brothers she has! poor thing. haha.
chicago oct. 2010 :)! i won't have kiddos, but isn't that all the better? i'll bring will a picture of nanea :).
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